Who is EMPACT Alumni?

EMPACT Alumni Media
3 min readMay 10, 2023


EMPACT Alumni is a network of past and present participants of WFP’s EMPACT Programme seeking to secure a dedicated peer-to-peer training, job stream and professional mentorship for its community members across 7 countries.

By Oscar Omondi

A cohort of ImpactAI-EMPACT coaches and their trainers from World Food Programme HQ at Windsor Hotel, Kenya, 2022. Photo: Xodus Digitals/Oscar Omondi.

Our work as Alumni of EMPACT reflects the mission of WFP’s EMPACT which is “to connect young vulnerable populations to training and income-generating opportunities in the digital and remote labour market.” We leverage a PEER-2-PEER model to achieve the community objectives. Our members forge partnerships using a whole-of-community approach to identify, improve, and engage the digital & tech skills acquired at EMPACT to create innovative, impactful & scalable SDG solutions for the world.


Our members have various capabilities:

1. image annotation

2. transcription

3. labelling

4. lidar

5. web research

6. software development

7. geographical maps creation

8. digital media


The skills we gained through EMPACT courses have contributed to successful life-changing initiatives:

1. World Food Programme’s Innovation Accelerator projects

A cohort of ImpactAI-EMPACT participants performing satellite image annotation, 2022. Photo: Xodus Digitals/Oscar Omondi.
  • WFP ImpactAI (satellite image annotation)
  • WFP/Corsali/Celo project (drone image labelling, furniture labelling, food categorization)
  • EMPACT Storytellers (photography, videos)

2. WFP Regional Bureau TEC

  • IT Assistance
  • Graphics Design

3. WFP Regional Bureau Logistics

  • Automation solutions developement

4. WFP Innovation

Ian Mwangi, WFP EMPACT Kenya project Manager explaining the impact of his programme in Kibera, Kenya, 2023. Photo: Xodus Digitals/Oscar Omondi.
  • EMPACT Programme project management

5. The Acorn Bridge IT Hub

In partnership with Mr. Oyaro, a community leader and entrepreneur, we have secured 3 training centers, an office space, and a board room to empower our community members.

The Acorn Bridge Hub in Kibera, Kenya, 2023. Photo: Xodus Digitals/Oscar Omondi.

We are actively involved in preparing and disseminating:

  • Digital microwork curriculum
  • Software development curriculum
  • Soft-skills and meta-skills curriculum
  • Cloud Architecture curriculum

6. Xodus Digitals

  • Videography and photography

7. EMPACT Alumni

  • Peer to peer training
  • EMPACT Alumni professional networking web and mobile app (ONGOING)

8. Human Needs Project


To empower vulnerable communities to solve socioeconomic issues using digital and tech tools through strategic partnerships.


1. P2P Knowledge transfer

2. Innovation

3. Community

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EMPACT Alumni Media
EMPACT Alumni Media

Written by EMPACT Alumni Media

We communicate the impact of EMPACT Alumni community's peer-to-peer knowledge transfer, tech and digital innovation & community development initiatives.

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